
A window on our Company.

How we work


Our approach to architecture? Collaboration, sharing, multidisciplinary working, and optimisation and control of the process.
All resolved via digitalisation and sustainability.

Video company


A young, high performance team of people who are at ease with the digital tools that characterise the transition in the construction world. An approach that enables DVA to be recognised as a reliable partner by all the actors in the construction chain.


Adaptive, flexible buildings that are able to respond to the new requirements of the people who use them and to the places where they are built. Thanks to generative design and our use of BIM for each project, DVA has the ability to deliver solutions that anticipate risks and critical issues.

vision - studio 1

Our office

Our office is also a space for growth and continuous training, where learning takes place via research and testing. Collaboration between the different personalities of the team is sublimated into the continuous exchange of ideas and know-how.

Green Approach

Sustainable in architecture and in every gesture of daily life

Reducing our own environmental footprint and consigning to the future a world that is better than the one we inherited. From small everyday habits to big strategic decisions, our commitment must grow to give concrete answers to the issues of major climate change, polluting factors, and primary resources. Ever since it was founded, DVA, in line with the innovative role it plays, which is recognised within the construction chain, decided to clearly manifest its commitment to the environment.

We are plastic free

Installing a water dispenser and giving each team member their own personal bottle enabled us to save 1,856 bottles in just one year, for a total saving of 18,189 grams of plastic and 73.65 grams of CO2, including manufacture and transport. An impact that translates into 36.38 litres of petroleum and no less than 371.20 litres of water not consumed to manufacture the plastic.

Home sweet home

Smart working and environmental sustainability. By limiting the number of their journeys to the office, each month our team saves 600 hours of time and 39,000 km of travel, reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 6.5 tonnes. Could smart working also suggest a new model for working when the emergency is over?

Don’t print it

Via digitalisation, the final output of our design process also includes files that are archived and shared across digital platforms. In that way, documents are not printed, saving hundreds of kilos of paper every year.

Jungle office

Green is much more than an element of interior design. At DVA HQ, the plant-to-person ratio is 1 to 4. As well as looking after the plants, each team member also enjoys their beneficial effects. Plants purify the air and are beneficial for the health of people who spend so much time in enclosed spaces.


BIM&Digital Award 2020 - Digital&BIM Italia, Clust-ER Build
Premio Sostenibilità 2019 – Interventi ex-novo residenziale, AESS – Azero
BIM&Digital Award 2018 - Digital&BIM Italia, Clust-ER Build
Competizione Internazionale University Island 2016, 1° Premio
Competizione Internazionale Red Square Tolerance Pavilion 2015, 1° Premio


UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Innovation Manager – Integrazione e sviluppo digitale dei processi aziendali, MiSE
BIM Manager, ICMQ


Discover our architecture dimensions

Words and images summarise the team members, our projects currently under development and on site, and the outlook for our company. At the centre are the key themes of our vision for architecture: digitalisation, sustainability, and design ethics.